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This book arose out of  a series of conversations between us. Both of us began writing poetry before, during, and after the wars in the Gulf. Our experience of those years are very different, and the aftermath of those years are as well, but we both were forced to deal with the consequences of decisions made by others and the fallout from those decisions in our family and in the wider society. Our discussion eventually lead to sharing our poetry and, eventually,  on deciding to curate our work in a collaborative publication. 

But this is not only a book on the emotional aftermath of war.  For each of us, both civilian and  veteran, there is aftermath to be dealt with. Of war, of love, of tragedy great or small. Each must needs be handled; perhaps with courage,  hopefully with honor, but nonetheless handled. In this small collection we  hope to share somewhat of our experience in continuing despite what has gone before. 

There is usually nothing else to do.